My day started off a little rough

My day started off a little rough.

On my way to work, I cranked the truck and it wouldn’t start.

My daughter was on vacation so she was able to give me a ride to work.

I thanked her and went to work.

After work, I needed to charge the battery of the truck to see if it would start.

I went on YouTube, because my daughter’s car battery is made differently from most cars.

There was a man that gave great instructions on how to charge the battery.

A neighbor came and assisted me while he and his family were on a walk. He made sure that I had the plugs set in the correct position.

The truck started.

We chatted for a few, I thanked them, and they continued their walk.

A few minutes later, I went to see what could be causing the new battery in the truck to die. Apparently there’s a light that wouldn’t go off. My neighbor saw me in the truck and asked if everything was okay. I told him that I was concerned about a light that wouldn’t go off. He turned a switch that made the light go off but the truck wouldn’t crank again.

My neighbor told me that I could use his portable charger to charge the truck, and if I need to take it with me wherever I went, I could use it to charge the battery of the truck whenever I needed to.

I was grateful.

My day started off a little rough, but God knew what would happen today, and He had people in play to help me along the way, and to help me get through the day.

I thank God for my daughter, my neighbor, and the guy on YouTube.

God has people in all kinds of places that He will use to help you. Sometimes it’s people you know, sometimes it’s a stranger.

God works through people.

If you’re having a rough day, I hope that this reminds you that God is with you.

I hope this post does for your spirit, what God did to mine through my daughter and my neighbor and the guy on YouTube.

I hope this post helps you hold on, and overcome any anxiety, uncertainties, or fears that comes your way.

God has already worked it out.

Don’t worry about the details.

Don’t give up when things get tough.

Move in faith and trust God.

He’s a way maker.

It will all work for the good.

Trust Him.

He cares about everything that concerns you.

1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.”