a kingdom divided- A short story: Part 2

Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.”

The Chelonian Festival is a time of celebrating the great Chelonian, whom the people of Chelonia Islet believed to have created the great island. The Royal family wore a diamond encrusted pendant to show their dedication to the great Chelonian who they believed to be wise, patient, strong, and a symbol of long life and fertility.

While Royalty ate, drank, and celebrated during the Chelonian Festival, more than eight thousand miles away, the true King Omiran lived in a small village of with his new family, in which he had 3 daughters and four sons. It had been eighteen years since he’d last seen Queen Omiran and his sons. He also hadn’t seen his brother, who turned on him during war, and had planned to kill him, in order to take over the throne. When the king found out, he confronted his brother and could have killed him by cutting his throat, but he knew that he and his men were out numbered and the only way to save Chelonia and his wife- Queen Omiran and their kids from being murdered, was to allow his brother to live and take his place. He told his brother that he would always keep eyes on his family, and if any harm ever came to them, he would have someone to off his head. His brother believed him, because he knew there was a snitch amongst him who had told the king about his plans to kill him and take over the throne.

The true king left Chelonia, never to return.

When the current king returned from battle, he told the royal family that the king fled the battle. He made the king out to be a coward who had forsaken his men in battle. The queen couldn’t stomach that news, so she said that they would declare that the king died in battle, but then he miraculously returned, being reincarnated by the great chelonian.

This put fear in everyone all over Chelonia and other Islands. They believed that the current king had special powers, and no one dared to challenge the house of Omiran’s kingdom.

The current king made this agreement with the Queen. “To save the throne from the embarrassment of a cowardice king that has forsaken his men in battle, I propose to marry the queen, in order to save her reputation and save face of the throne. I pledge my forever loyalty to you, my queen, that I will always honor you and remain loyal to you, for all my days,” he said.

The queen didn’t know of the secret treaty that her husband’s brother had with the enemy, to overtake the throne and to marry the daughter of Verlees’s sworn enemy, King Bori.

After eighteen years of not making good on his promise, war was beginning to brew again. King Bori was infuriated. He knew the house of Omiran’s little secret, and unless King Omiran kills the queen and complete his treaty with the enemy, King Bori would have his men invade Chelonia and take over the throne by force.

Chelonia was out numbered, and death was creeping at the house of Omiran’s door.

Meanwhile, more than eight thousand miles away, the true King Omiran who’d been living a humble life for almost two decades, had been discovered as royalty, when his wife found his old wedding band with House of Omiran engraved on the inside of it, and she found a chelonian pendant.

”Why are you going through my things?” the true king asked. “Are you the King of Chelonia Islet?” his wife asked. “No, I am a carpenter, but you know this?” the true king said. “I found those things, after the war, and have kept them as valuables. They have no sentimental value to me, it’s just a sure way to make sure that our family will be stable, if we fall on hard times,” the true king said.

The true king and his family had lived a quaint but happy life, and his wife wondered if what he was telling her was truth. The ring and the pendant alone could make them the richest people in their village for the next twenty years.

During this time, one of the tru king’s spy’s reported to him and told him that the princes lives were in danger.